FEAR NO MORE is a playful ritual that takes place in our multisensory temple trapped between past and future. The space, the lights, the sound and the moves are designed exclusively for you to safely explore the last moment and practice for the Big Step Over.
concept: bodylotion co-dance / Virág ARANY, Julia HADI director: Julia HADI performers: Anna BICZÓK, Tamara Zsófia VADAS, Dóra FURULYÁS video: András JUHÁSZ, Dávid MARUSCSÁK music: Endre Vazul MÁNDLI set and costume: Lili IZSÁK consultant/dramaturg: Petra ARDAI light: Kata DÉZSI
Supporters: Ministry of Human Capacities (Hungary), CHB - Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Be SpectACTive - Creative Europe /Bakelit Multi Art Center, Kilowatt Festival Teatrul Național Radu Stanca Sibiu, LIFT, Sounded Bodies, Queer Zagreb Udruga/, Vivid Illusions Production partner: Katlan Group
Foto credit: Barbara Antal
FEAR NO MORE is a playful ritual that takes place in our multisensory temple trapped between past and future. The space, the lights, the sound and the moves are designed exclusively for you to safely explore the last moment and practice for the Big Step Over.
concept: bodylotion co-dance / Virág ARANY, Julia HADI director: Julia HADI performers: Anna BICZÓK, Tamara Zsófia VADAS, Dóra FURULYÁS video: András JUHÁSZ, Dávid MARUSCSÁK music: Endre Vazul MÁNDLI set and costume: Lili IZSÁK consultant/dramaturg: Petra ARDAI light: Kata DÉZSI
Supporters: Ministry of Human Capacities (Hungary), CHB - Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Be SpectACTive - Creative Europe /Bakelit Multi Art Center, Kilowatt Festival Teatrul Național Radu Stanca Sibiu, LIFT, Sounded Bodies, Queer Zagreb Udruga/, Vivid Illusions Production partner: Katlan Group
Foto credit: Barbara Antal